Introducing ‘Design In Mind Architects’

Design In Mind Architects Logo

Design In Mind Architects is a new name (kind of), but the core business remains the same. After more than 3 years in business as Building Designers, DIMA Design Studio, no longer clearly represents what the business does as both registered architect and registered building practitioner. For this reason the business is rebranding with a new name which will properly represent it well into the future.

The new name recognises that design is at the forefront of what we are trying to achieve and the thought put into the process for our clients. For all of our existing and future clients, not much will change. The services and value offered remains, as does our desire to help you to achieve your goals. DIMA will to continue to share the journey of our clients and continue helping to build many more dreams in the years to come.

Registered Architect & Registered Building Designer from Geelong, Victoria

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